Lunchtime is the perfect time to relax and strengthen bonds with your colleagues. Promoting gaming at lunchtime is a great initiative, but it also needs to be possible without encroaching on work time. Here is a selection of quick and friendly games to discover at the office.
A cooperative game where players must guess one secret character among several using other cards as clues.
Learn more about Similo
A quick deduction game where the objective is to reconstruct trios of cards with common values.
Discover Trio
A puzzle game where players must connect numbers together to reduce their score and win.
A game of observation and memory where you will have to know how to memorize and count to win.
Prey Another Day
A light strategy and deduction game where you play animals in the food chain. Stay alive to win.
Learn more about Prey Another Day
A classic observation and speed game where you have to find the common symbol between two cards.
Just One
A cooperative word game where players must guess a word by writing a unique clue. Be careful, similar clues will be deleted.
Là t'abuses !
An auction game on unusual cultural questions that require no culture but a good ability to estimate.
Micro Macro
An investigation game on a giant map where you have to solve mysteries by finding clues.
The Mind
A cooperative game where players must play numbered cards silently and in ascending order. Connect your minds to win!
The perfect games for your lunch break
These games are perfect for livening up your lunch break while respecting the time limit. They are easy to set up, quick to play and guarantee moments of conviviality between colleagues.